Friday, July 8, 2011

After One Week on Weight Watchers

I have been on Weight Watchers for one week.  At the beginning, I weighed myself, and the scale said 158 pounds.  It is hard to admit that.  When I tell people how much I weigh, they don't believe me, so I must hold the weight pretty well.  Still 158 pounds is noticeable if you are just under 5'1".  

Today I weighed myself and the scale is now at 150.  So during the first week, I lost eight pounds.  I realize that is a kick-off weight loss, and that I will not lose that much every week.  I also know that I should not lose that much every week.  But I'd like to lose an average of two and a half pounds a week.  If I lose less than that, it's still progress. Slow and steady wins the race.  Just ask the tortoise! 

I have begun to step up the activity.  I have lots of nice excuses for not doing that.  The road is too busy to walk.  It's too hot to walk outside; I'll get a heatstroke!  Gas is too expensive to drive to the mall to walk.  If I join a gym, it will just be somewhere else to have to go, and the money will be wasted, not to mention the aforementioned gas prices.  So what is a determined loser to do?

I have an indoor step ladder.  It's in the spare room.  I climb the first two steps and then back down, over and over.  And over.  Right now I'm only doing it for 10 minutes at a time, while listening to the Kindle's read-aloud feature or watching something on my netbook.  If you try this, make sure the ladder is locked into the open position.  Use a sturdy one, and carefully see how it reacts when you first try it.  I'm going to get on it right now.

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